How to Create the Perfect Atmosphere in Your Lash Studio

Your lash salon should represent your beautifully unique self!

While the quality of your work is obviously a very important aspect to growing and maintaining your clientele, it is not the only determining factor to whether or not a customer will return and become a loyal client. It is equally important to create a peaceful and inviting lash salon – for you, your coworkers and most importantly, for your clients. It is imperative to your business, to create a space that clients look forward to visiting, and spending time relaxing in, every 2-3 weeks as you perform their lash services.


Here are a few tips for creating a peaceful lash salon for your clients:

1) Music – choose a station that is quiet, calming and appropriate. We find that most clients want to come in and relax (or sleep) during their lash appointment. Remember the more relaxed your client is, the more likely they are to hold still during their appointment, which in turn makes it easier for you to do their lashes. Loud upbeat music makes it difficult for the client to relax and hold still.

2) Lashing bed – make sure your lashing bed is clean, comfortable and cozy. We recommend keeping additional blankets and fans around and available for clients who may need to warm up or cool down during the appointment. We suggest adding a memory foam pad on top of the massage table, for increased client comfort.

3) Aromas – the addition of pleasant aromas in your lashing room aids in creating to a peaceful, calming ambiance. Just be aware that some clients may have allergies or sensitivities to certain aromas or perfumes. We suggest using natural essential oils with an aromatherapy diffuser, or natural scented candles, as they are less likely to cause allergies or bother clients who may have sensitivities.

4) Environment – keep the decor cute and inviting, but also simple. Too many decorations or nick-knacks can make a space feel too “busy” and can be a bit overwhelming, especially in a small room. Your space is a place for you to represent a bit of your personality, so make it yours, just remember to keep it simple and minimal, as it will be more aesthetically pleasing and calming for clients.

On that same topic, it is also important to keep your lash station clean, organized and clutter free. Clutter draws attention and and can be mistaken for uncleanliness. An untidy work station can appear to be dirty, even if its just disorganized.

5) Conversation – read your client’s energy adapt accordingly. While it’s crucial to be super friendly and professional with every client, it’s also important to observe and pick up cues to the experience they are looking for. Whether they are super chatty, or they would rather stay quiet and/or sleep during the service, it is still important to check in with them about their comfort level periodically throughout the service. It is important to keep communication lines open, so that your client feels informed, comfortable, safe and taken care of.

6) Professionalism – be mindful of conversation topics that you bring up with your client. Do not gossip, complain or talk negatively about your personal life and/or about other coworkers or clients. Clients come to you for a relaxing and drama free time. Try to keep conversations light and positive, especially with new clients, with whom you have yet to develop a rapport or relationship with.

Clients will come to you, not only because you do quality work, but also because they like spending time with you in your lash salon. Remember to focus on making their experience a relaxing, peaceful, fun and positive one. When they leave, you want them feeling not only more beautiful, but also refreshed and happy that they spent their time relaxing and taking a break from the drama and cattiness of the outside world.